Saturday 12 November 2016

Basing my COP on music

.....COP,COP,COP we both know full well we don't get on very well with each other. But this year i'm going to try and appreciate you more and not neglect you or take you for granted because i know that COP should be central to everything i do in my practice as after all it is 
What did i just write?...
Anyway yeah so Its that time again where i need to now try and focus on an area to research and base my COP project/essay on. Last year i took a while to get settled on a solid theme and i ended up on the political caricature and ended up doing a caricature project doing mickey takes of David Cameron and a certain President Trump....:O :'(

Since i was stuck on thinking of something this time around i thought back to some words of wisdom from Teresa from my tutorial, which was 'do something that fires you up'. I loved this purely for the fact that it only makes sense when you think about it because why would you pour effort into something that your not invested in. So from that i felt that it made sense to me personally to base it around music however i was very skeptical of doing this and wasn't sure if i could do a project on music like this so i felt i needed words of reassurance in that sense. 

After having a really good discussion with Patrick who is also a great lover of music and has ties within the industry i have found that it is more than acceptable to do a project which is revolved around music. There is obviously certain constraints which need to be abide by the COP ways of working such as obviously relating it through illustration and how it has to be focused within one of the areas of Social, Cultural, Political etc. Despite all this talk about love of music i am the first to admit there is a lot i don't know about music and a lot i haven't listened to maybe compared to other people however i certainly know enough to make it my passion. I am interested in exploring the idea of 'controversy in music' and the idea of how new waves are created almost like a societal and cultural revolt among the people. One quick and easy example is when Elvis Presley came on the scene and did something as simple as when he 'shook his hips' it caused a bit of an earthquake and rock and roll despite already been a thing it took off and Elvis was the catalyst to this. Through discussion with Patrick we came to a conclusion that it had to be focused into a certain area and one certain possibility could be through the medium of Television. Certain moments which have sparked something within the people who were watching the tv at that moment.

A moment such as David Bowie performing 'Starman' in 1972 with The Spiders of Mars and how he did something as innocent as putting his arm round Mick Ronson the bands guitarists and that sparked a certain uproar as it was deemed controversial because for the time for two men to do something as simple as that it was kind of revolutionary and was liberating for the younger viewers of the time who felt they could come to terms with their sexuality. This all stemmed from them 3 minutes in which bowie performed which is also said to be the moment that shot him to stardom. This will be discussed more in detail for sure in another post at some point and i cant wait to do so.  

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