Saturday 25 March 2017

Culture - COP Lecture

This weeks lecture was about culture and looking into the development of sub cultures. I felt it was very important as it was offering us a potential topic for what we could look into for our COP 3 for our dissertation (oh GOD!) so i tried to make notes where i felt it was relevant to. As usual they are pretty basic notes but i feel there is a lot of good resources to utilise should i decide to delve into a topic such as this. 

What does culture represent?

- Growth as a society 
- Part of becoming civilised as a society 
- Growing better which in turn us represented through linear progress which structures our modern world 

Multiple cultures with different paths also have different trajectories. 
Culture is represented through the arts, music, painting, books, film 
like a product, something you can produce 

George Ritzer - Mcdonaldization 
Manfred B Steger - Globalization: a very short introduction 

Cultural imperialism 
- Schiller 
- Chomsky 

British Values? 
- Democracy 
- Rule of law 
- Individual Liberty 
- Mutual respect and tolerance of faiths & belief 

Not like President Trump and how our closest allies do not share the same values at this moment in time. 

Adbusters - American Corporate flag 

Adorno & Horkheimer 
- what we see on tv just teaches us to conform 

Authentic culture vs. Mass culture 
- Real
- European 
- Multi dimensional 
- Active consumption 
- Individual creation 
- Imagination 
- Negation - to refuse what our society is/isnt 
- Autonomous 

'They Live' 1988 Director John Carpenter

Platos Allegory of the cave 

Culture & civilisation tradition 

Chavs - Owen Jones 

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