Sunday 8 October 2017

Discussing possible themes/tutorial advice

The following information is what i have put down in my COP notebook where i jot ideas and thoughts down. I felt it would be a useful exercise in then putting it onto the blog as another way of documenting my thoughts on my project. As it is only notes in the notebook it might not appear coherent and as well organised as it could be. A few of these notes have also come directly from Jamie my tutor so it is of course best to make use of that valuable advice. 

Possible themes/questions 

'Looking into the relationship between music and the visual element of album covers'

'The emotional resonance of shape, line, texture, colour - visual devices/formal elements - that have meaning' 

'The exploration of 'Sound and Vision'

Further notes/questions 

Unpicking structure, feeling, emotion of music to TRANSLATE it into visuals (translate is i feel a very key word in that respect).

How do we read formal elements? - in terms of - mood, atmosphere etc. 

WHAT IS THE 'AURA' OF AN IMAGE? - related to Walter Benjamin 

Action Points 

A good starting point is 'Automatic drawing

Suggested reading 

- Visual Literacy - Dondis 
- ...Aura - Walter Benjamin 

Could look at

- DR.ME 
- RVNG International covers 

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