Wednesday 4 November 2015

Study task 2 - Collecting images

Gathering/collecting images

From the past context of practice lessons the focus has been on starting to really consider what essay quesiton to choose. This study task for context of practice is in response to my chosen essay question which is - 'discuss the role that illustration can play during periods of political and/or social upheaval.  Therefore these are images that i feel relate best to that question. 

My 20 chosen images 

My main aim when searching for these images was to not just go for generic images but to really choose ones that made me think and reflect about whats in the image. I also feel that my selection of images is more than relevant to my essay question as each image in one way or another has somehting on it that relates to either or social and political themes.

My Three Visual responses to the images

Once we had collected these images we were asked to visually respond i.e with a drawing to the overall theme with the images. 

This is an image that is highlighting the naive and childish way of how big political leaders go to war. As here is depicted a child who is a fictitious president is playing with his tank and soldiers with them marching down on the piece of paper which says 'Syria' on it. 

This image depicts how i am saying that with all issues in the world i wouldn't be surprised if 'aliens' were looking down on us and making a mockery such as this. 

This is just a general attack on David Cameron making a statement of how he literally has no idea with what he's doing. 

Friday 23 October 2015

Study task 2 - First Things First manifesto (1964 & 2000)

First Things First Manifesto (1964 & 2000)

This is a task in response to my chosen 3000 word essay question which is entitled 'Discuss the role that illustration can play during periods of political and social upheaval'. In response to this, i have explored a piece of text known as the 'FirstThings First Manifesto'. I have chosen this piece of text so that i am able to fuel my ideas in order for to me to analyse the ideology behind the question. 

The First Things First Manifesto is a publication that represents an aspect of Capitalism and challenges the idea of art and design within Consumerism. The manifesto was constructed in firstly 1964 and then was 'updated' in the year 2000.

The original version was by designer and art editor, Ken Garland, who spoke out against the idea that designers were wasting their time and talent on 'trivial' advertising campaigns. "applauding the work of those who have flogged their skill and imagination to sell such things as; "Cat food, stomach powders, detergent, hair restorer, striped toothpaste" etc. Garland expresses how the designers of the time were exhausted by this, saying "we have reached a saturation point" and that "the high pitched scream of consumer selling is nothing more than sheer noise" the key word here is saturated, this idea that the nature of consumerism is all the same and overused.

The 2000 version reflects a more driven plea against consumerism. For example in the list of products there is the mention of 'diamonds' and 'heavy duty recreational vehicles' linking it to a political view and war in particular as well as 'designer coffee' which is dealing with unsavoury business ventures and exports.  It also states that “ Consumerism is running uncontested”. While 1964 might have been suggesting this, it certainly did not bluntly state it like the 2000 version has. The idea that there are those that voice their opinion but none who are willing to listen. Thus reflecting the tone of voice, a much more driven attack on consumerism.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Study Task 1 - Image analysis

Image analysis
The Uncle Sam Range (1876) Advertising image by Schmacher & Ettlinger, New York.
Empire Marketing Board - 'East African Transport Old Style' and 'East African Transport New Style. By Adrian Allinson, from the 'Colonial Progress Brings Home Prosperity' series of posters; 60 x 40 ins, displayed December 1930 - January1931; Waterlow and Sons Ltd.

The first image is an advertisment for an Uncle Sam Range cooker and it is a very patriarchal image as it is adorned with the 'stars and stripes' of America and overall is a very celebratory image of America. Although this is an advertisement  the image does not include characteristics that you would expect from a typical advertisement. For example the product itself is not central to the advertisement and is practically secondary in terms of significance. The main focus of this image is to promote Uncle Sam i.e America, reinforcing the patriarchal nature of the illustration. Major symbols highlight this patriotism such as, the bald eagle another personification of America, the clock on the mantle piece which represents the 100 years of progress since the declaration of independence was signed in 1776.  This is reinforced by the centenary building outside the window in what was the then capital of Philadelphia. The three children present at the table are also significant to this. They are labelled with names of 'Dixie' representing southern confederate states, 'west' representing western states and 'New England' which is simply representing that. These children represent the relatively short time that these states have existed in the 100 years therefore it is an image of unity to show how the civil war is behind them. 

There is evidence of the technology that 'Uncle Sam' has to offer  such as the rifles on the wall and the cooker itself. the advertisement is aimed at the middle class and it is making a statement to how this cooker can enrich their lives and bring them prosperity.. There is a big indication to social attitudes of the time as well. The first indication is the slave preparing the food as for the higher class this was common and racial attitudes were very negative in that way. The other is the bill or the list that the 'world is holding'. The foods present on this list are very stereotypical and make a mockery of other countries around the world.  The phrase 'feeding the world by the aid of' and then 'Uncle Sam Range' displays the arrogant attitude of America in relation to them and the rest of the world. There is western type present reminiscent of font in western films that we know today which i believe represents the bold hero that is America, rescuing the world and thus bringing prosperity.

The second set of images hold similar traits to the Uncle Sam advertisement.  The East African transport - old style and the new style also show the advancement that the main focus of the advertisment has to offer. Demonstrating again a sign of prosperity and by investing in this technology the people its aimed at can benefit from it. These posters were produced in 1931 and have been produced in a more traditional style of what we expect from a poster. These images also demonstrate racial attitudes but in a much more blatant way. This advertisement is representing the Colonialisation of East Africa by the British Empire. The first image labelled by old style transport is portraying the African people as miserable and are depicted in a dehumanised way as well as saying they are, or were getting nowhere before colonialisation intervened to 'save them' from the 'hardships' they had to face.  In the new style poster it depicts a strong looking figure of a British man and around him are African people who are all working while the British man is standing not doing anything.  The new style poster is a harsh way of justifying the act of colonialism, it has stripped the people of Africa of their culture as they no longer have traditional jewellerey on them. The advancement of technology is represented by the trucks in the background and the bridge they are working hard to build is a metaphor for crossing over to prosperous times. 

Overall both images justify cultural superiority and are heavily patriotic and display a great sign of nationalism. They both indicate how technology is paramount as a way of progressing. Both painting positive histories of their countries i.e America and Britain, being biased and celebratory.

Saturday 3 October 2015

OUIL401 Preparatory task


Definition -  Living or preferring to live in a community rather than alone. Relating to activities in which you meet and spend time with other people and that happen during the time when you are not working.
Quote on social - " Social advance depends as much upon the process through which it is secured as upon the result itself." - Jane Addams. I selected this image as i believe there is a significant message behind it. The behinds spell out 'remember that you do what you want to do. I believe that this image is referencing to a growing social world where we should be encouraged to not follow the same pattern and template and stand out from the crowd.

9c5cThis is a photograph taken from the Arab spring in 2011. The protests and rallies were organised solely through the social platforms of Facebook and Twitter. This event is known as the facebook or twitter revolutions.


Definition - Relating to Government, public administration, etc. Relating to government policy - making as dinstinguished from administration or law. Relating to the parties and partisan aspects of politics.

Quote on political - " In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics'. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia." - George Orwell.
This is an illustration by Mitchell Mcnaughton and as you can see is a political illustration. It states greatly what George orwell says in the above quote, particuarly the word evasion. The politician who appears to be Obama is ignoring the plight of the people beneath him.

 A photograph by Marc Riboud, using his camera as a weapon of media to depict the corrupt images of war in the 60's.


Definition - Relating to artistic or social pursuits or events considered valuable or enlightened. Obtained by specialized breeding.

Quote on cultural - "Real cultural diversity results from the interchange of ideas, products and influences, not from the insular development of a single national style." - Tyler Cowen

I love the Satire in this image as the artist has depicted the infamous Che Guevara but in a modern day light.

 There is so much cultural diversity in the world that i believe that a photo of practically anyone can class as a cultural piece of art or a piece of photography.


Definition - Belonging to or typical of the study of History. Concerned with events of the past: historical accounts. Based on or constituting factual material as distinct from legend or supposition.

Quote on Historical - "The Sixties are now considered a historical period, just like the Roman Empire" - Dave Barry This is a satirical illustration by William Hogarth. It is known as Beer Street and Gin lane and depicts on the left the lazy lathargic effects of beer and on the right the chaotic effects of drinking Gin. I chose it because it reflects that even though it is a fairly historical example of an illustration as this was several hundred years ago the overall theme and message still applies to today.

           An incredible historical photograph of the Nagasaki mushroom cloud just twenty minutes after it had been dropped. A reminder of what war can lead to.


Definition - Relating to or characterised by technology. Resulting from improvements in technical processes that increase productivity of machines and eliminates manual operations or operations done by older machines.

Quote on Technological - " Technological innovation is indeed important to economic growth and the enhancement of human possibilites." - Leon Kass
Although my chosen quote reflects a positive view on technology this chosen image demonstrates i believe a negative view.  This is a piece of work by an artist called Nick Gentry. The objects used in the artwork are floppy disks and the image is basically saying that technology is taking over the younger generation.

A photograph enetitled growing up digitial and it certainly speaks for itself.