Wednesday 21 October 2015

Study Task 1 - Image analysis

Image analysis
The Uncle Sam Range (1876) Advertising image by Schmacher & Ettlinger, New York.
Empire Marketing Board - 'East African Transport Old Style' and 'East African Transport New Style. By Adrian Allinson, from the 'Colonial Progress Brings Home Prosperity' series of posters; 60 x 40 ins, displayed December 1930 - January1931; Waterlow and Sons Ltd.

The first image is an advertisment for an Uncle Sam Range cooker and it is a very patriarchal image as it is adorned with the 'stars and stripes' of America and overall is a very celebratory image of America. Although this is an advertisement  the image does not include characteristics that you would expect from a typical advertisement. For example the product itself is not central to the advertisement and is practically secondary in terms of significance. The main focus of this image is to promote Uncle Sam i.e America, reinforcing the patriarchal nature of the illustration. Major symbols highlight this patriotism such as, the bald eagle another personification of America, the clock on the mantle piece which represents the 100 years of progress since the declaration of independence was signed in 1776.  This is reinforced by the centenary building outside the window in what was the then capital of Philadelphia. The three children present at the table are also significant to this. They are labelled with names of 'Dixie' representing southern confederate states, 'west' representing western states and 'New England' which is simply representing that. These children represent the relatively short time that these states have existed in the 100 years therefore it is an image of unity to show how the civil war is behind them. 

There is evidence of the technology that 'Uncle Sam' has to offer  such as the rifles on the wall and the cooker itself. the advertisement is aimed at the middle class and it is making a statement to how this cooker can enrich their lives and bring them prosperity.. There is a big indication to social attitudes of the time as well. The first indication is the slave preparing the food as for the higher class this was common and racial attitudes were very negative in that way. The other is the bill or the list that the 'world is holding'. The foods present on this list are very stereotypical and make a mockery of other countries around the world.  The phrase 'feeding the world by the aid of' and then 'Uncle Sam Range' displays the arrogant attitude of America in relation to them and the rest of the world. There is western type present reminiscent of font in western films that we know today which i believe represents the bold hero that is America, rescuing the world and thus bringing prosperity.

The second set of images hold similar traits to the Uncle Sam advertisement.  The East African transport - old style and the new style also show the advancement that the main focus of the advertisment has to offer. Demonstrating again a sign of prosperity and by investing in this technology the people its aimed at can benefit from it. These posters were produced in 1931 and have been produced in a more traditional style of what we expect from a poster. These images also demonstrate racial attitudes but in a much more blatant way. This advertisement is representing the Colonialisation of East Africa by the British Empire. The first image labelled by old style transport is portraying the African people as miserable and are depicted in a dehumanised way as well as saying they are, or were getting nowhere before colonialisation intervened to 'save them' from the 'hardships' they had to face.  In the new style poster it depicts a strong looking figure of a British man and around him are African people who are all working while the British man is standing not doing anything.  The new style poster is a harsh way of justifying the act of colonialism, it has stripped the people of Africa of their culture as they no longer have traditional jewellerey on them. The advancement of technology is represented by the trucks in the background and the bridge they are working hard to build is a metaphor for crossing over to prosperous times. 

Overall both images justify cultural superiority and are heavily patriotic and display a great sign of nationalism. They both indicate how technology is paramount as a way of progressing. Both painting positive histories of their countries i.e America and Britain, being biased and celebratory.

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