Saturday 3 October 2015

OUIL401 Preparatory task


Definition -  Living or preferring to live in a community rather than alone. Relating to activities in which you meet and spend time with other people and that happen during the time when you are not working.
Quote on social - " Social advance depends as much upon the process through which it is secured as upon the result itself." - Jane Addams. I selected this image as i believe there is a significant message behind it. The behinds spell out 'remember that you do what you want to do. I believe that this image is referencing to a growing social world where we should be encouraged to not follow the same pattern and template and stand out from the crowd.

9c5cThis is a photograph taken from the Arab spring in 2011. The protests and rallies were organised solely through the social platforms of Facebook and Twitter. This event is known as the facebook or twitter revolutions.


Definition - Relating to Government, public administration, etc. Relating to government policy - making as dinstinguished from administration or law. Relating to the parties and partisan aspects of politics.

Quote on political - " In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics'. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia." - George Orwell.
This is an illustration by Mitchell Mcnaughton and as you can see is a political illustration. It states greatly what George orwell says in the above quote, particuarly the word evasion. The politician who appears to be Obama is ignoring the plight of the people beneath him.

 A photograph by Marc Riboud, using his camera as a weapon of media to depict the corrupt images of war in the 60's.


Definition - Relating to artistic or social pursuits or events considered valuable or enlightened. Obtained by specialized breeding.

Quote on cultural - "Real cultural diversity results from the interchange of ideas, products and influences, not from the insular development of a single national style." - Tyler Cowen

I love the Satire in this image as the artist has depicted the infamous Che Guevara but in a modern day light.

 There is so much cultural diversity in the world that i believe that a photo of practically anyone can class as a cultural piece of art or a piece of photography.


Definition - Belonging to or typical of the study of History. Concerned with events of the past: historical accounts. Based on or constituting factual material as distinct from legend or supposition.

Quote on Historical - "The Sixties are now considered a historical period, just like the Roman Empire" - Dave Barry This is a satirical illustration by William Hogarth. It is known as Beer Street and Gin lane and depicts on the left the lazy lathargic effects of beer and on the right the chaotic effects of drinking Gin. I chose it because it reflects that even though it is a fairly historical example of an illustration as this was several hundred years ago the overall theme and message still applies to today.

           An incredible historical photograph of the Nagasaki mushroom cloud just twenty minutes after it had been dropped. A reminder of what war can lead to.


Definition - Relating to or characterised by technology. Resulting from improvements in technical processes that increase productivity of machines and eliminates manual operations or operations done by older machines.

Quote on Technological - " Technological innovation is indeed important to economic growth and the enhancement of human possibilites." - Leon Kass
Although my chosen quote reflects a positive view on technology this chosen image demonstrates i believe a negative view.  This is a piece of work by an artist called Nick Gentry. The objects used in the artwork are floppy disks and the image is basically saying that technology is taking over the younger generation.

A photograph enetitled growing up digitial and it certainly speaks for itself.

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