Thursday 25 February 2016

Chosen images for the essay

This post is to show the two images i have chosen to analyse in my essay the first image by James Gillray and the second image by Gerald Scarfe. Two illustrators i very much admire because of their work. I have also chosen these two in particular because it is i believe important to show a contrast between the work of a 18th Century illustrator and a contemporary one to see what similarities and differences there are in the two pieces. 

This image is by James Gillray and is titled 'Little Boney in a fit' as it is a depiction of Napoleon Bonaparte who is in a sorry mental state or at leas the caricature shows that probably because of the fact he had lost a war or something along those lines. With this image in response to it Napoleon was quoted as saying " Gillray did more than all the armies in Europe to bring me down" which i think is an amazing testament to the power of a political cartoon, an aspect which i will be exploring in depth in my essay.

This image is by Gerald scarfe and it is titled 'Torydactyl' which is a brilliant play on word of tory and the word pterodactyl and it is a depiction of Margaret Thatcher. The amazing thing is about Scarfes work is it doesn't necessarily have any great resembling features of Thatcher however through the brilliant use of anthropomorphising her it carries the same likeness that all his other Thatcher caricatures have. It is also a brilliant satirical comment on how Scarfe felt about Thatcher's sharp almost cut throat nature. 

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