Tuesday 8 March 2016

Project Proposal for the visual investigation

Project Proposal 

As part of the visual investigation in context of practice I will be exploring mainly the medium of caricature and in particular how I can effectively explore satire particularly in politics. Investigating into why satire is used and how effective it is when we see it in the world of today with the modern media. One specific area I intend to explore and take further is the idea of grotesqueness in caricature or even within cartoons as this is a large aspect as to how and why caricatures are still used and it a reason as to how they grip the intended audience. I will therefore try and emulate such caricatures whether it is through drawing or whether I develop a different technique/process as a way of creating imagery. 

In essence I will be exploring the soul purpose of caricature and looking at how it simply serves that purpose of to entertain and to inform. I may even investigate into specific shock tactics that are used by caricaturists and look into the idea of how there is a morbid curiosity with its intended audience.  I will be taking greats such as Gerald Scarfe as inspiration looking into his techniques of how he successfully defiles his subjects through the art of caricature, especially through the practice of working with the idea of grotesqueness as well.

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