Friday 29 April 2016

Peer/Crit feedback

So after having a peer review of our cop project work i still feel pretty none the wiser as to where to go and with such little time left to produce work too.  I have struggled immensely with this project and all of cop really as for some reason it is not a module that agrees with me however i feel that in good time i will realise that level of ignorance and will hopefully recognise the importance of it in order for me to gain an understanding of how to contextualise the events in the world around us. It should also help me improve the independent skills that i do so desperately need, in order for me to be able to conduct my own research as a way of forming a direction with a self led project. 

So i was dreading the result of the whole crit as i feel that i am probably a month behind in work that i should have when the deadline is next week however i also recognised that through the peer feedback it is a chance to reflect on what has been suggested and to just simply pull my finger out. 

So on the feedback sheet that we were given the first section asks the peer to comment on:

- The relationship between the context and practical responses so far. 

The feedback i was given was:

  • Clear relationship between proposal and research/quotes and the work produced, same kind of simplistic humour - i think the third quote sums up pretty well. 
So from this answer at least i know i am not completely lost in the project and have at least demonstrated some level of coherent research which was presented through my visual journal. It is a fair comment on the simplistic humour side of things as although i have not produced many of my own visual outcomes that is the kind of angle i am going for in my work or at least in the theory of what my work should be. 

Next was this point:

- Comment on the clarity with which the visual responses and theory are connected. How and why does one process inform the other? 

The feedback i was given was: 

  • I feel like the digital/photoshop thing is like the new caricature anyway - good progression from more traditional stuff. 
This was a good valuable comment as i was unsure as to whether my photoshop 'experiments' were of any credibility and i suppose was keen to see what kind of stance people would have on that way of creating imagery as i felt it could have been deemed as slightly lazy. 

Next was to:

- Comment on the visual quality of the practical responses: 

The feedback i was given was: 

  • Lo-fi approach, reminds me of like weird memes - kind of so dumb its funny - find the one where someone replaced Donald trumps eyes with his mouth and it literally looked the same
  • It sort of adds to the batting down of these political figures. 
That last comment is really important as that is to why i tried getting into making my own caricatures in the first place and simply following the fantastic words of Martin Rowson. I just have found an effective and imaginative way to do it yet, i guess i have maybe scratched the surface with the photoshop images but i need to develop something further. 

Finally the all important one which is because the deadline is so near:

- What issues need to be addressed ahead of the submission deadline? 

The feedback i was given was: 

  • Probably just need more examples of practical/sketchbook work to go along with the research 
  • Look at memes from the US elections, i like the idea that they're just getting ripped apart by sixteen year olds online. 
I was pleased with the feedback that was given however i knew myself i would just generally be along the lines of do more work which is easier said than done when your head just doesn't know what to do or where to start. Time will tell and hoping i can get cracking!

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