Tuesday 3 May 2016

Donald is full of shit - character work

This is a drawing i have done off the back of my character work on Donald Trump. Just like the other one i have done it as a representation of him as a baby to highlight how i feel he is incredibly juvenile. It also speaks my mind because i feel he is literally full of shit!

The speech bubble has him saying ' I told you it was going to be huge' which is a satirical comment on what is in the nappy as well as the fact that that it is one of his favourite sayings, because annoyingly he says the word huge a lot.  

I feel it is worth pointing out that the most recent caricatures i have done are a great deal more cartoony than the way in which someone like Gerald Scarfe might work in but that is because i have put my own voice into my own caricatures as any good satirist does. 

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