Sunday 10 December 2017

Gustav Holst - The Planets research

Here is some notes i have taken on the Planets by Gustav Holst which i have decided to be the basis of my visual/practical investigation. 

The notes have been taken from  -

- Before it was finally named 'the planets' it was known as a 'series of mood pictures' -(Which is very interesting considering they are pieces of music but it goes to show how Holst was mentally picturing imagery alongside the music in his head)  

- The seven movements each portray the astrological traits of the seven known planets at the time (prior to the discovery of Pluto)

Mars - The Bringer of War 

The Planets starts with the relentless march of jackboots, in its famous 5/4 time, culminating in the merciless horrors of war. It was written before WW1.

Venus - The Bringer of Peace 

The calm after the thunderous storm. Venus is peaceful, languid and lovely. French horns, flutes a harp and violin solos slide throughout beautiful melodies. 

Mercury - The Winged Messenger 

The mythological mercury, fleet footed and happy, carries a message from Scheherazade ( a suite composed by Nikolai Korsakov) 

Jupiter - The Bringer of Jollity 

With the majestic hymn-like melody in the middle. Jupiter symbolises hedonism, generosity and good nature. 

Saturn - The Bringer of Old Age 

Holst's favourite movement and his most original. A threatening clock ticks inexorably as the baseline, revealing both the dignity and frailties of old age. 

Uranus - The Magician

The mood ominous and threatening, then cheeky and humorous, the story tells of an eccentric magician putting his upstart apprentice in his place. 

Neptune - The Mystic

Of all the movements, this is the most other-worldly. Eerie sliding pianissimo (to be played softly) and the wordless women's choir makes this a hypnotic, transporting ending to the suite. 

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