Sunday 7 January 2018

Experimental GIF/Animation

This is a GIF/short animation i have made which is quite random and out of the blue if i'm honest. While its aesthetic might not be exactly relevant to theme of my practical, with Mars (the bringer of war) visual responses i still feel this is relevant to the themes of my recent research, being inspired by the likes of Walter Ruttmann and Oskar Fischinger, this is my attempt at something similar. I made it with a type of music in mind so it is in that sense in response to music which is the whole theme of my practical investigation. The vibrant colours are a hint at the synesthesia aspect within my research, giving an idea as to how they experience visuals quite differently to others. Unfortunately i don't think i have time to do proper animations on after effects but i will try and create more GIFs/animations on Photoshop, time permitting of course. 

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